Friday, October 14, 2011

The Military is going back on its word

I find it unnerving that the US Military is cutting tuition assistance and going back on their promise. It's like stealing from those that defend our freedom.

Congress needs to stay with what they promised our troops and rescind the planned tuition assistance cuts in HR1540.


  1. The Marine Corps just came out with the new cuts and now we are only receiving $875 of the $3500 that the DOD has authorized.. Thats not even enough to take two classes a year. It CRAZY!!!

  2. I'm very disappointed that I am fighting for my country and they are breaking their tuition assistance promise.

    I wish there was somethin we cud do about it. OOopps, can't spell... guess I really needed that chance to go to school.

    I am just smart enough to point a gun and shoot people. Guess they don't care if I can improve myself so when I get out I can get a job. The military has taught me alot of things that are really useful to know in the military. But not so useful when I get out and have to work in the civilian world.

    Well screw it, I'm great at Gears of War 3!!!

  3. It is just another way they are trying to fix the budget. Its all a game anyway because the budget is based on printed notes.

    At least when you play monopoly, you are told its a game in the beginning. When I signed up for the Navy, I did it for the 100% TA. So now, I am wondering what other promises they might break. I am still 100% all-American and love the USA, but the government needs to be more responsible.
