Monday, October 3, 2011

Even Mr. Rogers has an opinion of cutting 
Military Tuition Assistance

I guess Congress just doesn't live in our neighborhood anymore? 

If they did, they would understand that when you make a promise, you keep it!


  1. What a hoot! More. Rogers is not my idea of the kind of kick ass folks usually upset by this ripoff. You can bet this is just the beginning. Veterans always get the short end of the stick. yes, we get lifetime mediocre
    healthcare and a paycheck if ywe put in the years to retirement ,or get disabled.
    But that is not much for putting your life at risk. It's sickening to see the way
    our nation is headed, and that's straight down the toilet. This is not the same
    wonderful country I fought for!

  2. Mister Rogers got it right. I know something about this topic. I have used $10,000 in TA to date. My online school charges $1,000 a semester. I would have to pay $250 a semester if HR1540 goes through. I cannot afford this military tuition assistance cut. You can bet that the post 911 GI Bill is not going to be around long either; they have already cut the benefits, and you can count on it getting cut further. I don’t get it. I fought for my country and get shafted but wetbacks break the law entering our country and they get welfare and scholarships!

  3. The excuse they are using to shove this bill through Congress is that HR1540 will save money. Well, I say if you want to save money, not to mention the strength of our military, then impeach Osama, the highest ranking Muslim enemy of our nation. That would save this country not only from further waste and disgrace but also dictatorship. What have we fought all over the world for only to come back to a country we can hardly recognize anymore? Dictators and racists who thrive on their own ignorance. You take away my TA and other benefits and you will lose soldiers like me who fought for me and my family, and you will also lose many more true patriots.

  4. Once more, the politicians are sticking it to the military. The educational benefits that we were promised are being stolen by Mike Coffman (R-CO) and his leftist cohorts in Congress. They are robbing from us thanks to the Military Tuition Assistance Cut. What is worse is that this attack on our nation’s military is being led by President Hussein Obama, our own Commander in Chief. If Obama signs HR1540, Sec. 547, he will destroy troop moral, recruitment and retention, further weakening America and making it more vulnerable to the jihad attacks from those who share Obama’s Muslim faith. He is no more a Christian than Osama Bin Laden was.

  5. The government screws up everything it gets its hands on. This latest ripoff with help from Howard McKeon (R, CA-25) is just the latest. BTW, I read about this in RipOffReport #781157. If you are an illegal alien sneaking into this country to sponge off the hard working taxpayers, they will give you everything you want. You get reduced rate tuition, welfare, free medical care that is one hundred times better than in your own country. But if you go out and fight for America, they promise you everything, then they rip you off.

  6. I respect Mister Rogers -- he was a good man who put a lot of little kids on the right path -- and I respect the office of the President and Commander in Chief. However, I have zero respect for the affirmative action dirtbag who lied and cheated his way to the top, not to mention snorting cocaine (which he admits)and dealing it (according to those who knew him). Hussein Obama is a radical Muslim who hates America and is out to destroy it. The latest ripoff (HR1540)that is designed to destroy our education benefits that were promised and weaken the US military. Maybe Obama is not banging teenaged interns in the Oval Office like the last Democratic president, but at least Clinton didn't hate America.

  7. The excuse the government is using to cut tuition assistance is the need to reduce government spending. Maybe if President Obama was willing to skip one of his dozen multi-million dollar gold-plated luxury vacations he takes every year... several thousand warfighters could complete another semester have good education that was promised to them. While he is taking such a break from all of his vacations, maybe he could do something about this broken promise on Military Tuition Assistance?

  8. Washington politicians -- in public -- like to posture as if they give a damn about the miliitary. Like Senator Dodd introduced a bill that would in theory keep "unscrupulous auto dealers from taking advantage of service members and their families." The idea of the law is to keep companies from continuing to prey on our military families,according to Katie Savant, deputy director of government relations at the National Military Family Association. But who is going to protect us from the politicians who are continuing to prey on our military families? Congress has introduced a middle of the night stealth bill -- HR-1540 -- that will steal one out of every four dollars we get awarded for military tuition assistance. Who is going to protect us from leftist legislators who want to make up for their insane spending by robbing the military through the proposed military tuition assistance cuts.

  9. No one doubts that today we are a high tech military and must have better educated warriors to fight effectively. The traditional system now in place helps achieve just that. Military tuition assistance cuts are crazy. Instead of encouraging education, the proposed military tuition assistance cut will discourage it. In the current program, education is required for rank. It is crazy for the Congress to try to balance the national budget by robbing the enlisted man and woman of the military tuition assistance they were promised.

    Cut somewhere else! Cut out some of the pork! There are so many other areas that could be cut other than education benefits. We need to cut waste, not education!

  10. The GI Bill benefits was the only way I was able to go to college. That education was what allowed me a career as CEO of a $40 million company. Military tuition assistance paid off big time, not just for me but also for all the people I was able to hire and their families.The education I earned is still paying off with jobs and increased taxes and services rovided. I never asked for a handout--only fair treatment following substantial sacrifice. That is the same thing those who serve today deserve. And if you don’t offer a fair break, you won’t get them enlisting tomorrow either! The current proposed military tuition assistance cut -- reported in RipOffReport #781157 -- truly is a ripoff!

  11. Fred Rogers was a wonderful minister. He passed away in 2003.

    I take some offense to you using him in the above parody, even though I think he would be against cutting military tuition assistance.

    You have a great site, but I'm not keen on the profanity.

  12. WTF? I can tell Anonymous was never in the military! Swearing was an art form in the USN when I was in. But you are no doubt right that Mister Rogers would not have approved of the language most of us use in here. And you are also right that he would have been opposed to the Military Tuition Assistance cuts they are ramming down our throats. He was a patriotic American as well as a minister and was opposed to the kind of exploitation we are experiencing thanks to the changes hidden in the Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

  13. Congress breaks promise to military college students. Why don't with see that headline in the newspapers or hear it on TV? Because the left wing media is in the pocket of the radicals inside Obama's government who are trying to turn America into a socialist country, just like the ones going belly up in Europe right now. It is major news if the stock market drops 5%, but here they are robbing us of 25% of our military tuition assistance and not a word is said. They don't give sh*t about the military but they sure don't mind asking us to bleed and die on foreign sands!

  14. What's with all the chicks posting? Where are the dudes on here? This is embarrassing. Certainly men have some opinions on the tuition assistance cuts?

    As for me, I think its just more Obama B.S.

  15. I was wondering the same thing. As for me, I'm going to handle this the legit way and write my Congressman. Hope she will handle this. The pending military tuition assistance cuts will reduce my chance of graduating on time.

  16. Well... considering We have a muslim leader. What better way to decrease the economy by having this take affect. I guess they think my plans are to stay in the Army all my days, however I have plans. I have a funny feeling there designing a new country right under our noses. Maybe there plans are to keep us all poor so they have more control, I really don't know. But i will tell ya this! I'll make it! I'll bust my tail and make those ends meet! My family will not suffer at the hands of this bill, or this administration. So if ya want me poor... ya better think again suckers!
